Fighting cancer and Parkinson's with medical physics
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Pressestelle THM
Cancer and neurodegenerative diseases are among the greatest health and social challenges of today. Under the leadership of the THM the three universities in Central Hesse have been working together on innovative medical physics approaches in the LOEWE Research Cluster ADMIT (Advanced Medical Physics in Imaging and Therapy) since the beginning of the year in order to meet these challenges. At the opening symposium of the research network at Rauischholzhausen Castle, Hesse's Science Minister Timon Gremmels spoke of a “unique opportunity to improve the lives of many people”.
Boost for advances in medical technology
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Pressestelle THM
“Brainmapping Technology”: This is the name of the LOEWE Transfer Professorship, with which the state of Hesse is supporting the utilization of Prof. Dr. Boris Keil`s research. The expert in MRI imaging procedures from the Life Science Engineering Department at THM is working on the further development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for high-precision imaging of the human brain and nervous system.
New ways to fight cancer
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Pressestelle THM
The Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - University of Applied Science (THM) receives a grant of 4.8 million euros to create the LOEWE Rsearch Cluster ADMIT. Together with the partners Philipps University Marburg and Justus Liebig University Gießen (JLU) as well as other research institutions and companies from Germany and the USA, new imaging methods for the diagnosis and therapy of tumor diseases are to be developed and applied.